Your source for self-defense in the beautiful arts of Kali and Silat

In the dynamic and challenging world that we navigate through today, the mastery of self-defense and martial arts is not just a skill but a vital necessity. Combat Kali Silat, a distinguished martial arts organization, emerges from the profound teachings of Grand Tuhon Supreme Leo T. Gaje, Supreme Grand Master Jerson “Nene” Tortal, and Grand Master Eddie Jafri.

This unique blend incorporates the intricate systems of Pekiti Tersia, Dekiti Tirsia Siradas, and various Silat disciplines. Under the guidance of Durand Howard and Tony McGregor, these systems were cultivated into the establishment that is known as Combat Kali Silat.

Originating in New Jersey and now expanding into Maryland under the leadership and guidance of Guro Tom Crisostomo, this group is a testament to growth and adaptation.

Combat Kali Silat is not just about martial arts, it’s an immersive experience into the indigenous Filipino and Indonesian martial disciplines. It is designed for real world application rather than sport. The curriculum is crafted from a rich understanding of bladed weaponry, the fluidity of movement, and emphasizing the critical importance of being prepared for any situation. This approach is rooted in the belief that anyone, especially those in vulnerable professions or situations, should possess the skills to protect themselves and thrive in their environment.

Our curriculum is tailored to engage and empower women and law enforcement personnel. By incorporating these ancient techniques with a modern understanding of physical altercations, Combat Kali Silat offers more than self-defense – it instills confidence, inner strength, and a profound sense of awareness.

Our mission is to equip you with not only the physical techniques to protect yourself and your loved ones but also the mental fortitude necessary to overcome adversities.

Join us at Combat Kali Silat to embrace this journey of empowerment, resilience, and self-mastery. Discover how the ancestral wisdom of Filipino and Indonesian martial arts can transform your approach to self-defense and personal safety in today’s world.

It’s time to prepare, protect, and prevail with the comprehensive training offered by our esteemed masters.

Welcome to a community where strength is cultivated and spirits are lifted!

Why Combat Kali Silat?

For Women

Empowerment and safety: Women often face safety concerns that can arise in various situations. From late night commutes to unexpected encounters on the street, training in Combat Kali Silat equips women with practical and effective self-defense techniques.

For Law Enforcement

Tactical advantage and compliance: Law Enforcement personnel frequently encounter dangerous and unpredictable situations that require not only strength but also tactical intelligence. Combat Kali Silat offers advanced training in handling situations through the use non-lethal techniques, disarming attackers, and restraining aggressors, all of which are crucial to ensure compliance and safety for all that are involved.

For Fathers

Protection and legacy: Fathers often bear the responsibility of protecting their families. Combat Kali Silat provides them with the skills needed to defend their loved ones in adverse situations. Additionally, it’s a powerful way to pass on the values of discipline, respect, and self-control to their children.

For Teachers

Conflict resolution and leadership: Teachers are the role models who can influence positive behavioral changes in their students. Not only can Combat Kali Silat equip teachers with non-violent conflict resolution techniques, it can enhance their leadership qualities by fostering patience, empathy, and understanding.

For Real Estate Professionals

Self-defense and confidence: Real estate professionals often find themselves in isolated locations or properties with strangers, which can pose potential risks to their safety. Combat Kali Silat not only builds the self-confidence to handle these situations but to also be aware of potential dangers as they are happening.

For everyone

Combat Kali Silat offers a comprehensive approach to personal safety, tactical defense, and mental resilience. It’s not just about learning how to fight – its about developing the awareness, confidence, and skills to stand strong in the face of adversity and end it as quickly and as efficiently as possible.

“We believe in life, not in death.
We believe in success, not in failure.
We believe in health, not in sickness”
– Leo T. Gaje

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